Previous Editions
High-performance Computing
Charliecloud: containers for HPC
repo2docker: Running Jupyter Notebooks via Docker
News & Events
Two-factor authentication at the MPCDF
High-performance Computing
Rclone - The Swiss army knife of cloud storage
ELPA eigensolvers further enhanced
News & Events
New Director of the MPCDF
High-performance Computing
Jupyter Notebook as a service
FTP decommissioning
Tips & Tricks
Ecosystem Data Management
News & Events
High-performance Computing
Python on HPC systems
Cluster hosting
The MPCDF SelfService: Guest-User and Self-Management for GitLab and DataShare
News & Events
High-performance Computing
HPC Performance Monitoring System
ELPA eigensolvers further pushed to unexcelled performance and scaling behavior
New Web-based Remote Visualization Service
Collaborative Document Editing in DataShare
News & Events
Bits & Bytes turns 50!
High-performance Computing
Data-Analytics on MPCDF HPC systems
Keeper - Archive the way you work
New Projects and Collaborations
High-performance Computing
The evolution of the Anonymous FTP server and data sharing at MPCDF
Lightweight performance measurement tools
GitLab: Online Editing of Source Code
Spark on Draco
Major Upgrade of DataShare Service
SSH security considerations
Yacora on the Web
High-performance Computing
Inastemp: a Vectorization Library to Accelerate C++ Codes
Singularity: containers for HPC
Transferring data to and from MPCDF
DataShare via WebDAV
System and software upgrade on the HPC extension system Draco
MPCDF’s GitLab now supports Continuous Integration & Delivery
Draco cluster extended by large-memory nodes
A simple command-line client for the MPCDF DataShare (ownCloud) service
BagIt - command-line tool supporting the BagIt compound data format
Archiving your data with HPSS
Visualizing data from molecular simulations with VisIt
Galaxy instance for the MPG
Python infrastructure
Recent optimizations of ELPA eigensolvers
csvkit - A command line suite of tools for converting and working with CSV data
DRACO as an extension of HYDRA
VM Backups
TeD-T: The Term Definition Tool
Uberftp - A powerful command line tool for gridftp based data management
Remote visualization on Hydra
VNC remote desktops on MPCDF Linux systems
BagIt: smart packaging of files
Gitlab update
DataShare update
python infrastructure at the MPCDF
Change in Forcheck
MPCDF archive system – expansion of GHI for projects
ELPA: improved eigensolvers for computational materials science
Vagrant – Virtual Development Environments made easy
High-Reformance Computing
The MPCDF GitLab Service
Upgrade of the Visualization Infrastructure
New Centre of Excellence: NOMAD Laboratory
Mailing problems with new DSL
Debugging Memory Corruption with the Address Sanitizer Library
MPCDF, the new name of the RZG
High-throughput data transfers using Globus Online
Interactive graphics with x3d(om)
100-Gbps wide area network connection
Tips and Tricks
Sync & Share
HPC system Hydra
Taco - A Metadata System for Hierarchically Structured Data Collections
HPC System Hydra
Virtual Hosting Environment
Extreme Scaling and Visualization of HPC Applications
Status of the Max Planck Supercomputer Hydra
Hydra Environment for GPU and MIC Applications
GIT Hosting Service
Long-Term Archiving
New Max Planck Supercomputer Hydra: Main Installation
Intel Software License Agreement for MPG
Sofware News
Storage/Archive Systems
Redundant connection to the German Research Network
Next Generation Max Planck Supercomputer at RZG
HPSS - High Performance Storage System at RZG
VisIt, a parallel visualization and data analysis tool
Software News
Next Generation Supercomputer
Software updates on HPC systems
New Scalable Eigenvalue Solver
HPSS - High Performance Storage System
Performance Analysis with IBM HPC toolkit
New Linux cluster for remote visualization
Code validation tools
Power6 software upgrade
New Bits & Bytes
Introducing Environment Modules
GPGPU Computing
Applications: Performance Analysis with Scalasca
Network Configuration Templates for PCs
Update on Mass Storage
System Environments for HPC
vip - The new IBM Power6 Supercomputer at RZG
genius - The IBM Blue Gene/P at RZG
Archiving at RZG
Video Conferencing
Genius - The IBM Blue Gene/P system at RZG
The Munich-ATLAS-Tier2 project
Long Time Data Preservation
The Next Generation Supercomputer of the Max Planck Society at RZG
Refurbishment of the Old RZG Computer Machine Hall
Emailservices at RZG
Virtual Private Network - Accessing Local Resources from the Internet
New Tape Library at RZG
Linux-Clusters: Consolidation of the Used Distribution
Data Visualization Support
New architectures doubling compute power at RZG
DEISA - Supercomputing at European scale under way
No virus-check on AFS-volumes
Xeon-based Linux cluster vs. IBM Regatta for small jobs
IBM p690 Supercomputer
Migrating Filesystem (HSM)
Linux Cluster Expansion
Numerical Libraries
IBM p690 Supercomputer
Notes on virus attacks
Active Directory
Mozilla as substitute for Netscape
Trends in Videoconferencing in IPP & MPG
IBM p690 Supercomputer
GPFS on the Linux Clusters
Using the NAG library from C and C++ programs
New Color Printer at RZG dispatcher room
Status IBM Regatta
New Linux Cluster
Migration of Kerberos Server