

The MPCDF provides facilities for high-performance computing (HPC), capacity computing (Linux clusters) and remote visualization and supports general-purpose and dedicated systems. The operating systems used at the MPCDF are Linux-based. Users login to one of the gateway machines via ssh. From the gateway machines the login nodes of all compute facilities can be accessed. Note that two-factor authentication (2FA) is enforced which is documented as part of the FAQ.

Personal settings (e.g. passwords, login shells) can be customized at userspace/mympcdf (login required).

Information on the available software can be found here.

General support requests going beyond the information provided by the present documentation and FAQ can be addressed to the MPCDF helpdesk.

Dedicated, high-level application support, e.g. for HPC code development and optimization, and machine-learning projects is offered to all Max-Planck researchers and their collaboration partners.

Compute Facilities

Gateway Systems

High-Performance Computing

Linux Compute Clusters

Interactive Data Analysis and Visualization