
The HPC-Cloud provides MPG projects with a flexible self-service cloud solution based on OpenStack, Ceph, and IBM Spectrum Scale.

Conceptually, the HPC Cloud enables scientists to combine batch and cloud-based computing within the same pipeline, taking advantage of both massive HPC cluster resources and highly flexible software environments. This enables projects to realize novel hybrid solutions while also benefiting from simple scaling within the cloud and the ability to rapidly prototype new solutions. Practically, the system offers standard cloud computing “building blocks”, including virtual machines based on common Linux operating systems, software-defined networks, routers, firewalls, and load balancers, as well as integrated block and S3-compatible object storage services. All resources can be provisioned and managed via a web browser or industry-standard RESTful APIs.

Each project will receive a quota for each resource type, within which institute-based admins have the freedom to allocate their resources as necessary to realize their projects. The MPCDF Cloud Team is available to provide consulting and advice during both the project planning and realization phases.

Moreover, to ensure the seamless flow of data between the HPC Cloud and Raven, an IBM Spectrum Scale filesystem has been deployed. Each project may request space within the filesystem which can then be mounted on both systems. This provides one data repository for the users and enables simple data flows between, e.g., high-performance simulations and post processing or data analytics and machine learning on cloud servers.

Resources in the HPC-Cloud can be rented by MPG projects as detailed in the Renting section below.