Astrophysics ORION
- Name of the cluster:
- Institution:
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Login nodes:
Their SHA256 ssh host key fingerprint is:
SHA256:1puEKbiOBuwsd4ak/5WQmL1NhfBysAUN1HJpnboghqE (ED25519)
Hardware Configuration:
login nodes orion0[12] : 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8480+ CPU @ 2.00GHz; 112 cores per node; 2 threads per core; 1 TB RAM
104 execution nodes orion[001-104] for parallel computing with a total amount of 11648 CPU cores; 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8480+ CPU @ 2.00GHz; 512 GB RAM; Turbo-mode is on
node interconnect is based on Infiniband Fabric (Speed: 200Gb/s)
- /u
shared home filesystem; GPFS-based; user quotas (currently 100 GB, 1M files) enforced; quota can be checked with ‘/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsquota’.
- /orion/ptmp
shared scratch filesystem (5.0 PB); GPFS-based; user quotas (currently 20TB) enforced. NO BACKUPS!
- /virgotng
shared scratch filesystem (8.0 PB); GPFS-based; no quotas enforced. NO BACKUPS!
Compilers and Libraries:
The “module” subsystem is implemented on ORION. Please use ‘module available’ to see all available modules.
Intel compilers (-> ‘module load intel’): icx, icpx, ifort
GNU compilers (-> ‘module load gcc’): gcc, g++, gfortran
Intel MKL (‘module load mkl’): $MKL_HOME defined; libraries found in $MKL_HOME/lib/intel64
Intel MPI 2024.0 (‘module load impi’): mpicc, mpigcc, mpiicc, mpiifort, mpiexec, …´
Batch system based on Slurm:
sbatch, srun, squeue, sinfo, scancel, scontrol, s*
current max. turnaround time (wallclock): 24 hours
two partition: p.exclusive (default) and p.shared (6 nodes) for shared resources
max. nodes limit per user in p.exclusive partition: 30
sample batch scripts can be found on Raven home page (must be modified for ORION)
Useful tips:
Nodes in p.shared partition are in shared mode, default memory per job set to 32000 MB. To allocate necessary amount of memory use --mem parameter.
For support please create a trouble ticket at the MPCDF helpdesk