Help, Support, and Training

How can I get Help and Support?

Please check the MPCDF documentation and FAQ first if they can already give you some advice or answer. In case a question could not be answered, please send an email to This will open a ticket in the central helpdesk system at where MPCDF staff will be notified and look into the problem.

To get your issue solved as quickly as possible:

  • Choose a short but descriptive subject for your email

  • Use your MPG email address when submitting the ticket

  • Include all the relevant information and steps to reproduce the problem. Depending on the issue this can be

    • The name of the cluster/machine are you using

    • Loaded modules and their version (the output of the module list command)

    • Data/input files for your software

    • Job submission script

    • Job ID of the failing job

    • Complete error message

    • (for web-based services) The name of your web browser and its version

Are you offering introductory trainings on how to use MPCDF resources?

Introductory courses on how to connect to and use MPCDF services, e.g. the HPC systems including batch and file systems, are given several times per year via videoconferencing to groups of new users upon request.

Advanced courses (e.g. HPC workshops, Python for HPC) are given regularly as announced on the MPCDF web page, or upon request.

How to acknowledge MPCDF?

Acknowledging the use of MPCDF services or resources in publications in highly appreciated. There is no standard or mandatory template. Typical statements read like:

  • Computations were performed on the HPC system Raven at the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility

  • We acknowledge project/application support by the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility

In case of substantial or extensive support, one might consider acknowleding the contribution of individuals by their name(s).